Sunday 20 July 2014

Creative Blog Hop

Good Morning Everyone!
I hope you had a lovely weekend.  
I am here today with something a little different.  The gorgeous Hazel from Didos Designs asked me to join in with the Creative Bloggers Hop. 

Its a continuous Hop every Monday with a host of different inspirational bloggers taking part each week .  Thank you Hazel for asking me, it is an honour to be here!

I have known Hazel for almost as long as I have had my blog.  She run's Moving Along With The Times challenge blog and it was the first Design Team I was asked to be on!  She has created such an amazing team!

 So onto the questions.

1. What am I working on?
I am actually not working on a particular project just at this moment.  I have taken a step back from producing lots and lots of DT work and am focussing on improving my techniques.  I have wanted to improve my colouring skills for such a long time.  I, like lots of others, have invested lots of money in copics and pens and was frustrated that a lot of the time I just couldn't do them justice.  I am now taking colouring classes through Kit and Clowder and am learning so much and I can actually see some improvement in what I am doing.  I have a lot more to learn but its a continuous learning process and its actually, very slowly, giving me my confidence back!  So, back to the original question, I am currently working on my practice sheets for colouring hair!! 

2. How does my work differ from others in my genre?
I don’t think my work differs much from other crafters out there!  I just work with images and papers that inspire and that I enjoy to work with.  I take lots of inspiration from other bloggers and try to create my own style. 

3. Why do I write/create what I do?
 I started creating a long time ago when my mum taught me to cross stitch!  Cross stitch then moved into card making and then card making completely took over!  Although I do still dabble in cross stitching!  I love to craft as it allows me to use the creative part of my brain.  I think I would go mad if I didn't have an outlet for that somewhere! 
4. How does your writing/creative process work?
I get the inspiration from the image I am working with.  That leads me to chose the papers and the style that I want.  I usually have a theme that I am working towards depending on what is required by the Design Team.  As I said earlier I am focussed on getting my colouring just right and if that comes together then the card/project usually comes together quite quickly.  

I now need to nominate three fellow craters to carry on the Hop

 I met Kate through the Hobby House Design Team.  She is an amazing creative person and her work is very inspirational.  Its wonderful to be working on the same Design Team as her.

 Mary is one of the first people who I met when I first set up my blog!  She was amazing at offering her advice and she was a real role model for me when I started!  She has her own unique style which is easily recognisable! 

 I first met Amanda when we were both on the Design Team for Ladybug Crafts Ink, only my second Design Team!  Amanda’s colouring is amazing and a real inspiration for me at the moment!   

Well, that’s it from me, I have you have enjoyed my Creative Blog Hop and that you have enjoyed finding out a bit more about me! 

Have a wonderful day

Love and Hugs


  1. Fab getting to know you a bit better, Thank You for taking part x Love Hazel xx


Thank you so much for your lovely messages, I enjoy reading every one of them! Pami x